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#Fakugesi2023 #MoreFlow

Join the electrifying 10th-anniversary celebration of African creativity at the Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival taking place this week at Wits University's Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct. "Fak'ugesi has been a pioneer in bridging the gap between African culture, technological innovation and creative encounters," says Eduardo Cachucho, Fak’ugesi Festival’s Creative Director. The public programme is open to everyone.

Get your tickets here!

Border Cave excavation_Credit: Lucinda Blackwell

The first to fuel the fire

Our fire heritage: The first fuel that enabled human beings to land on the moon was harnessed right here in Africa. Fire in prehistory was discovered in various cave systems including the Wonderwerk Cave in the Northern Cape, Klasies River in the Eastern Cape, as well as the Border Cave in KwaZulu-Natal. #HeritageMonth2023

Read the story in Curios.ty 15: #Energy